5 Open Source Alternatives To Firebase

The best Backend service, and API Platform tools similar to Firebase

Supabase stands out as a leading open-source alternative to Firebase. For those seeking different features or workflows, we've curated a comprehensive list of Firebase alternatives, each offering unique strengths.

Notable mentions in the Firebase alternative space include: Appwrite, Parse-server, Pocketbase, Nhost.

The Firebase ecosystem primarily consists of Backend service solutions, with additional options in API Platform. Explore these alternatives to discover tools that align with your specific Firebase-related requirements, whether you're looking for enhanced features, different user experiences, or specialized functionalities.

Supabase iconSupabase

Supabase screenshot

Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative that simplifies the development of web, mobile, and AI applications. With Supabase, you get a dedicated Postgres database along with a suite of built-in features, making it easy to start your project and scale it to billions of users seamlessly.

  • Postgres Database: Every project comes with a full Postgres database, the world's most trusted relational database.
  • Authentication: Add user sign-ups and logins, securing your data with Row Level Security.
  • Edge Functions: Easily write custom code without deploying or scaling servers.
  • Storage: Store, organize, and serve large files, from videos to images.
  • Realtime: Build multiplayer experiences with realtime data synchronization.
  • Vector: Integrate your favorite ML models to store, index, and search vector embeddings.
  • Instant APIs: Automatically generated APIs based on your database schema.
  • TypeScript Support: Type definitions built directly from your database schema.
  • Local Emulator: Develop locally and push to production when you're ready.
  • Supabase CLI: Manage Supabase projects from your local machine.
  • User Management: Easily manage users with email logins, magic links, and third-party logins.
  • In-built SQL Editor: Write, save, and execute SQL queries directly on the dashboard.

Supabase empowers developers by providing a robust, scalable, and secure backend service. Its ease of use and comprehensive feature set make it an ideal choice for projects of any size, from weekend hacks to enterprise-scale applications.

Appwrite iconAppwrite

Appwrite screenshot

Appwrite is an open-source backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform designed to help developers build secure and scalable applications with minimal effort. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools and services, allowing you to focus on your application's business logic rather than backend complexities.

  • Auth: Secure login for all users with multiple methods like Email/Password, SMS, OAuth, Anonymous, Magic URLs, and more.
  • Databases: Store, query, and manage data with a scalable and robust database backed by your favorite technologies.
  • Functions: Customize and extend your backend by deploying and scaling serverless functions in secure, isolated runtimes.
  • Messaging: Communicate with your users through a full-functioning messaging service covering multiple channels under one unified platform.
  • Storage: Securely store files with advanced compression, encryption, and image transformations.
  • Realtime: Subscribe and react to any Appwrite event using the Realtime API, enabling real-time updates across your application.
  • Self-Hosted or Cloud: Migrate your data from and to any platform at any time with Appwrite Migrations, ensuring built-in security and privacy.
  • Encryption: Built-in data encryption both in rest and in transit, ensuring maximum security.
  • Abuse Protection: Protect your APIs from abuse with built-in protection mechanisms.
  • Data Migrations: Easily transfer data from third-party services or between Cloud and self-hosted environments.
  • Compliance: Safeguard user data and privacy with GDPR, SOC-2, and HIPAA regulations.

Appwrite empowers developers to build like a team of hundreds by providing all the essential backend services needed to create modern applications. With strong community support, extensive documentation, and a flexible, open-source nature, Appwrite is the ideal choice for developers looking to build secure, scalable, and feature-rich applications.

Parse-server iconParse-server

Parse-server screenshot

Parse Server is an open-source backend framework for developing, deploying, and managing modern web and mobile applications. Built on Node.js and Express, it offers a comprehensive suite of features to accelerate your development process.

  • Object and File Storage: Efficiently manage your application's data and files with built-in storage solutions.
  • User Authentication: Easily integrate user signup, login, and authentication processes into your app.
  • Push Notifications: Send targeted push notifications to engage your users across platforms.
  • Dashboard: Use the Parse Dashboard to manage your data, monitor your server, and perform administrative tasks.
  • Client SDKs: Comprehensive SDKs for various platforms including JavaScript, iOS, Android, .NET, and more.
  • API Reference: Detailed API documentation to help you make the most out of Parse Server.
  • Community Support: Engage with a vibrant community of developers for help, discussions, and contributions.

Parse Server is designed to simplify the complexities of backend development, allowing you to focus on building great user experiences. With its robust set of features and active community support, Parse Server is the ideal choice for developers looking to build scalable and maintainable applications.

Pocketbase iconPocketbase

Pocketbase screenshot

PocketBase is an open-source, realtime backend solution that comes packed in a single file. It provides a powerful yet easy-to-use platform for managing your app's backend needs, including database, authentication, and file storage functionalities. PocketBase is designed to be ready to use out of the box and integrates seamlessly with your favorite frontend stack. You can also extend it using Go and JavaScript hooks to create a custom portable backend that fits your specific needs.

  • Realtime Database: Embedded performant database with schema builder, data validations, and realtime subscriptions. Easily accessible via a REST API.
  • Authentication: Manage your app users effortlessly with support for email/password and OAuth2 sign-ups (Google, Facebook, GitHub, GitLab).
  • File Storage: Store files locally or in S3 storage, attach media to database records, and generate thumbnails on the fly.
  • Extendable: Use as a standalone app or extend it via Go and JavaScript hooks to create a custom backend.

PocketBase offers a robust, flexible solution for developers looking to quickly set up and manage their app's backend. Its ease of use and extendability make it an excellent choice for both small and large projects.

Nhost iconNhost

Nhost screenshot

Nhost is an open-source backend and development platform that enables developers to build and scale their web and mobile apps efficiently. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools and services designed to simplify the development process and allow you to focus on your app and users.

  • Postgres Database: The world's most advanced relational database.
  • GraphQL API: Instant Realtime GraphQL API based on your database schema.
  • Hasura: Role-Based Permissions, Web Console, Event Triggers, Cron Jobs, and more.
  • Auth: Sign in users with Email, Magic Link, SMS, Google, Facebook, etc.
  • Storage: Let users upload and download images, documents, and other files.
  • Functions: Run custom code using JavaScript and TypeScript with infinite scale.
  • Run: Run custom services written in your favourite language.
  • AI: Run AI workloads easily alongside your Nhost Stack.

Nhost allows you to ship faster, turning months of work into minutes. Trusted by developers globally, it offers a backend without limits, enabling you to develop locally and ship globally without the hassle of devops.